[Nix-dev] eval or in-place expression execution

Sergey Mironov grrwlf at gmail.com
Fri Jul 11 09:46:47 CEST 2014

Hi. I need to do non-trivial string calculations (encrypt the password
with openssl) which AFAIK can't be written in Nix at the moment.
That's why I think about Nix `eval` equivalent. I wonder if it goes
against Nix concepts or not? My implementation looks like the

  encryptPassword = salt: pass : let
    p = runCommand "encryptPassword" {} ''
      printf '"%s"\n' `${openssl}/bin/openssl passwd -1 -salt ${salt}
${pass}` > $out
      import p;   # <=== (1)

It works but note the `import' expression. I tried builtins.readFile
instead of it in previous attempt but failed: Nix issued  [error:
string `... (1)' cannot refer to other paths] error. What is the
reason of such a difference between readFile and import?


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