[Nix-dev] nixops elastic ip

Ben Doyle ben.doyle at skedge.me
Tue Dec 30 18:07:29 CET 2014

On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 12:18 AM, stewart mackenzie <setori88 at gmail.com>

Ie is there a way to make Nixops control Amazon's Elastic IP to
> automatically allocate and assign an IP address?

Yes. Here's a minimal nix expression that provisions and assigns an Elastic

      region = "us-east-1";
      accessKeyId = "testaccount";

      instance = ip: {resources, ...}: {
          deployment = {
              targetEnv = "ec2";
              ec2 = {
                  inherit region accessKeyId;
                  elasticIPv4 = resources.elasticIPs."${ip}";

    in {
           resources.elasticIPs.name-of-ip = { inherit region accessKeyId;

           machine1 = instance "name-of-ip";
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