[Nix-dev] Change in networking with 15.05?

Thomas Bereknyei tomberek at gmail.com
Tue Dec 30 17:44:11 CET 2014

Upgrading from 14.02pre5678.gfedcba to the nixos-unstable (
seems to removes the non-loopback network interfaces.

The following configuration worked well with 14.02 as well as 14.* unstable

networking = {
  interfaceMonitor.enable = false;
  enableB43Firmware = true;
  networkmanager.enable = true;
  useDHCP = false; # sometimes true
  wicd.enable = false;
  dnsSingleRequest = true;

Where before this computer had an "enp2s1" and "lo" interface, it only has
"lo" after a nixos-rebuild switch.

Was there a change in networking or NetworkManager that would cause
something like this? I'd like to know if there was something obvious that
changed before I start debugging by trial and error. It's a headless server
and with the network interface going down I can't SSH into it while it's
down. Though I can look at logs after a boot into a rollback generation.

The following event does not occur when booting into 15.05, but not 14.02:
systemd-udevd[1124]: renamed network interface eth0 to enp2s1

I also notice the following during 15.05 boots:
 systemd-udevd[19958]: specified group 'input' unknown

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