[Nix-dev] Ejabberd Options

stewart mackenzie setori88 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 05:31:03 CET 2014

Luca, here is my config, I've stripped everything that isn't pertinent
to the testing setup (which will use NixOS).

I've pointed my hydra nixpkgs jobset input to my github nixpkgs fork
on the ejabberd branch which contains this commit:

I have verified that hydra cloned it correctly and the change exists
in /data/scm/git/48ac**** directory.

So I take it the overriding of the services.ejabberd.package would be
something similar to this?

  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
  services.ejabberd.package = chaatz-ejabberd;
  jobs = rec {
    chaatz-ejabberd = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
      name = "chaatz-ejabberd";
      src = <chaatz-ejabberd>;
      buildInputs = ( with pkgs; [
        expat erlang zlib openssl pam automake
        autoconf git libyaml openssh libcouchbase ]);
      preConfigure = "./autogen.sh";

Except an error is thrown:

error: undefined variable ‘chaatz-ejabberd’ at

After this I take it when I create my container I would point nix to
our hydra channel, then fill out the configuration.nix file using
chaatz-ejabberd instead of ejabberd?

Kind regards

On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 8:14 PM, Luca Bruno <lethalman88 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 15/12/2014 12:55, stewart mackenzie wrote:
>>> Is the configuration of the ejabberd.nix nixos module compatible with
>>> your chaatz-ejabberd?
>> Yes one-for-one compatible
> Add a "package" option in ejabberd.nix to specify which package to use
> for the ejabberd service. So that you can do services.ejabberd.package =
> chaaz-ejabberd;
> This is an acceptable change in nixpkgs itself if you issue a PR.

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