[Nix-dev] povray.nix

Thomas Strobel ts468 at cam.ac.uk
Sun Aug 3 23:03:55 CEST 2014


I've attached a nix description for an updated version of povray. Maybe
someone wants to put it online?

Best wishes,
-------------- next part --------------
{stdenv, fetchgit, autoconf, automake, boost149, zlib, libpng, libjpeg, libtiff}:

let boost = boost149; in
stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "povray-3.7";

  src = fetchgit {
    url = "https://github.com/POV-Ray/povray.git";
    rev = "39ce8a24e50651904010dda15872d63be15d7c37";
    sha256 = "0d56631d9daacb8967ed359025f56acf0bd505d1d9e752859e8ff8656ae72d20";

  buildInputs = [ autoconf automake boost zlib libpng libjpeg libtiff ];

  # the installPhase wants to put files into $HOME. I let it put the files
  # to $TMPDIR, so they don't get into the $out
  postPatch = '' cd unix
                 cd ..
                 sed -i -e 's/^povconfuser.*/povconfuser=$(TMPDIR)\/povray/' Makefile.{am,in}
                 sed -i -e 's/^povuser.*/povuser=$(TMPDIR)\/.povray/' Makefile.{am,in}
                 sed -i -e 's/^povowner.*/povowner=nobody/' Makefile.{am,in}
                 sed -i -e 's/^povgroup.*/povgroup=nogroup/' Makefile.{am,in}

  configureFlags = "COMPILED_BY='nix' --with-boost-libdir=${boost}/lib --with-boost-includedir=${boost}/include";

  preInstall = ''
    mkdir "$TMP/bin"
    for i in chown chgrp; do
      echo '#!/bin/sh' >> "$TMP/bin/$i"
      chmod +x "$TMP/bin/$i"
  meta = {
    homepage = http://www.povray.org/;
    description = "Persistence of Vision Raytracer";
    license = "free";

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