[Nix-dev] Clear all

Mathijs Kwik mathijs at bluescreen303.nl
Sat Sep 21 21:04:19 CEST 2013

See http://nixos.org/wiki/Howto_keep_multiple_packages_up_to_date_at_once
That way, you install (and upgrade) only 1 package through nix-env and
keep everything in there.

To clean up:
nix-env -q | xargs nix-env -e

Then install your "my-env" package.

Regarding your second question:
Depends on who uses it.
If your system has multiple users, you can keep stuff like firefox in
systemPackages, so it's available to everyone. Of course if every user
installs it for himself, it will be shared anyway, so this is not a
space-saving, but just a convenience.

You can go a step further and define multiple sub-profiles.
For example 1 you typically use during c development.
And another for haskell development, and yet another for an
experimental python3 environment.
Then you can jump between those environments on a per-terminal basis
(no interferance, do many different things at once). Like this, you
keep the default packageset (and thus "commands" available in your
shell path) to a minimum. Look for "myEnvFun" in nixpkgs if you want
to try this.

On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 7:18 PM, Stewart Mackenzie <setori88 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've only recently found out about nix-shell or what was nix-env --run-env.
> Though i've completely polluted my user space by installing everything with
> nix-env -i <pkgs> . I'd like to clear it up and start from scratch properly.
> How do i do that? Delete the profiles directory?
> Secondly, what typically should be installed with nix-env? I would imagine
> its the programs one would want access to in the standard terminal
> environment. Things like firefox etc. Correct?
> Kind regards
> Stewart
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