[Nix-dev] Qt Creator issues

Bjørn Forsman bjorn.forsman at gmail.com
Fri May 31 20:52:14 CEST 2013

On 31 May 2013 18:50, Baptist BENOIST <return_0 at live.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I had the time to look at qtcreator and am improving its derivation. Here
> are the current changes:
> -You can now choose to install qt or a full version of it by using qt or
> qtFull (a simple override enabling the doc, demos and examples options.
> Everything is now correctly installed =)
> -qtcreator has been updated to v2.7.1
> -The relation between qt and qtcreator is now clearer: qt definition is
> directly overriden in the qtcreator's default.nix to simply enable the
> developerBuild
> option depending if we want the full version or not.
> Also, I now better understand what the "problem" truely is. Facts are that
> in Nix you "must" create specific development environments in order to have
> the libraries and tools you want including qmake. See
> http://nixos.org/wiki/Howto_develop_software_on_nixos if you didn't already,
> reasons are explained inside.
> On the other side, QtCreator requires to find Qt components (by using qmake
> or a qt.conf file) in environment variables, etc. to be able to use them
> (including doc, examples and demos).
> Which means that we have now two solutions:
> -The first one is to consider that using QtCreator without Qt is a nonsense
> as it has been made for it. Considering this offers the possibility to make
> qt and required tools (even gcc!) inherited by QtCreator in order to have
> both together included in the symlinked directories created by nix when
> building your environment. This is the only solution to enable QtCreator to
> be "fully" installed by simply specifying its package name (not qt and
> tools).
> -The second one, which is the one I and apparently also QtCreator developers
> believe in, is that QtCreator is not directly related to a specific Qt
> version and can even be used for projects that do not uses Qt at all. By
> considering this, the only solution is to manually adding the qtFull package
> and build tools (gcc make, valgrind, etc.) in your desired environment. Then
> QtCreator will recognize everything and work as you expected ;-)
> As I do not have an access to the official repositories, I have pushed my
> current work on my personal fork of nixpkgs and will make a pull request
> when fully checked...
> With what I have done, you will be able to have the whole thing working by
> simply adding the qtcreator and qt48Full in a development environment.
> Removal of the files I spoke about on my last may also be required ;-)

Sounds great! Thanks for working on this :-)

Best regards,
Bjørn Forsman

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