[Nix-dev] ANNOUNCE nix-dev script

Sergey Mironov ierton at gmail.com
Sun Jun 23 23:04:18 CEST 2013

Hi. I've just released 0.1 version of (yet another?) shell script,
which makes Nixos development easier.


Nixdev is a plain bash script carefully written to assist in NixOS
development. The script contains useful finctions allowing user to
manage his/her local development branches for both Nixpkgs and Nixos
trees. Main features are:

*   Script is designed to be sourced from .bashrc or similar,
providing alias for nix-env command and a set of nix-dev- functinos.
*   ./install will clone Nixpkgs/NixOS sources in local subfolders,
allowing user to keep several different copies of nixdev on a single
*   nix-dev-update helps to rebase local dev branch (named 'local') to
a new stable point every time it appears in channel. Note, that it is
able to detect tricky cases and will abort non-safe operations.
*   Package sources can easilly be unpacked with nix-dev-unpack.
*   nix-dev-penv opens build environment for a package in a subshell.
*   Several small commands: cdp (change dir to the nixPkgs), cdn (cd
to Nixos), manconf (shortcut for man configuration.nix), plus some
others. See ./nixrc for details.


My English may be weird, sorry..

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