[Nix-dev] reproducable systems at a (much) later point / archive.org

Ludovic Courtès ludo at gnu.org
Wed Jan 9 22:19:47 CET 2013


Florian Friesdorf <flo at chaoflow.net> skribis:

> Given that nix would support a "last-resort mirror" and given we could
> convince some instution (e.g. archive.org) to provide such a mirror, the
> world would be always able to exactly reproduce software installations
> and we could show our / somebody's grandchildren how we kept ourselves
> entertained.

Given a mirror of every source tarball, you’d still need a working
bootloader and kernel (or full NixOS).  In practice you also need to
take Nix, Nixpkgs, and NixOS of the same date, because they are largely
interdependent.  But yes, Nix is definitely forward for software archeology.


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