[Nix-dev] Say hello to GHC 7.7.20131202

Peter Simons simons at cryp.to
Fri Dec 6 11:34:54 CET 2013

Hi Thomas,

 > Does this work with "ghcWithPackages?" I've been running into some
 > problems. I wonder if you can post relevant sections of your
 > configuration.nix.

ghcWithPackages should work fine with all versions of GHC newer than
6.10.4. My ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix configuration looks like this:

      haskellEnv = haskellPackages: with haskellPackages; [
        # Haskell Platform
        async attoparsec caseInsensitive cgi fgl GLUT GLURaw haskellSrc
        hashable html HTTP HUnit mtl network OpenGL OpenGLRaw parallel
        parsec QuickCheck random regexBase regexCompat regexPosix split stm
        syb text transformers unorderedContainers vector xhtml zlib
        cabalInstall_1_18_0_2 alex /*haddock*/ happy primitive
        # other packages
        cmdlib dimensional funcmp hackageDb hlint hoogle HStringTemplate
        monadPar pandoc smallcheck tar uulib permutation criterion graphviz
        async hspec HList dimensionalTf doctest testFramework monadLoops
        testFrameworkHunit wlPprint polyparse uuParsinglib monadPeel
        hashtables terminalProgressBar systemFilepath systemFileio arithmoi
        modularArithmetic lens ghcPaths
        # tools
        xmonad xmonadContrib xmonadExtras xmobar
      packageOverrides = pkgs:
        ghcDevEnv = pkgs.haskellPackages_ghc763_profiling.ghcWithPackages haskellEnv;

What kind of problems have you been running into?

Take care,

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