[Nix-dev] NixOS wiki

Lluís Batlle i Rossell viric at viric.name
Wed Apr 10 17:44:58 CEST 2013

On Mon, Apr 08, 2013 at 11:55:40AM +0200, Marc Weber wrote:
> > - some offline editing support (git)?
> we talked about it - and we agree that there are ways - but also pay
> attention to what Eelco said: He fears that the quality of the contents
> of the wiki is not that great. So eventually start with telling us what
> you would add, and why it is not possible or too much work to do it with
> the current wiki.

For me, a big problem of the current mediawiki is that it doesn't allow people to
*propose* changes (as git branches + pull-requests allow).

We agree that the wiki needs a major rework; but in mediawiki style, you either
change the wiki for everyone, or you don't change it at all.

This ends up discouraging me from any attempt to improve the wiki:
1) I don't want to break it, while I do major structure changes
2) I feel that people can be offended, if my changes do not please them. And
it'll be a hell to roll all back to start over.

So, I think that the current wiki won't change much unless:
1) someone has a stone face to organize it caring little about others opinions
2) we agree giving full-control to somone in particular, to do those changes
3) we switch to a system where people can branch the wiki, do the changes in the
branch, and propose a merge

For me, the 3rd looks like the least violent.

I don't mean that the 3rd way should be the *only way* to change the wiki; the
current click-and-edit is perfect, but not for major structure reworks.


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