[Nix-dev] Three review requests

Florian Friesdorf flo at chaoflow.net
Fri Mar 16 19:55:08 CET 2012

<#secure method=pgpmime mode=sign>
On Fri, 16 Mar 2012 21:39:02 +0400, "Yury G.  Kudryashov" <urkud.urkud at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> Reviewboard can't post to the list yet,

Can you read mails send to the adress used by reviewboard? You could
then subscribe normally and edit settings not to receive mails.

> so I send you the list of changes 
> I'd like to commit to nixpkgs. To avoid breakage, I'd prefer someone else to 
> review these changes.
> Remove some packages with dead upstream http://reviewboard.loegria.net/r/5/

mythtv does not seem dead to me, last release ten days ago:

> pidgin-2.10.2 http://reviewboard.loegria.net/r/6/
> Remove unused files http://reviewboard.loegria.net/r/7/

Florian Friesdorf <flo at chaoflow.net>
  GPG FPR: 7A13 5EEE 1421 9FC2 108D  BAAF 38F8 99A3 0C45 F083
Jabber/XMPP: flo at chaoflow.net
IRC: chaoflow on freenode,ircnet,blafasel,OFTC

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