[Nix-dev] SVN commit r32596

Yury G. Kudryashov urkud.urkud at gmail.com
Wed Mar 14 22:28:21 CET 2012

Corey O'Connor wrote:

>> Pass "gnome.libgnome_keyring" to evince.
> evince is already provided gnome.gnome_keyring. libgnome_keyring does not
> exist.
pkgs.libgnome_keyring, not pkgs.gnome.libgnome_keyring. Passed to evince. 
Let's see if it helps.
> I think gnome_keyring was updated to a version that is not compatible
> with evince. Maybe an evince upgrade is the way to go.
Earlier gnome_keyring contained both library and daemon, now library and 
daemon are two different packages.
> *shrug* I like the free hosting of github and the pull request
> workflow is smooth. Never used gitorious.
> So long as "email patches to mailing list" is not the plan for the
> future. ;-) Half the patches appear to get lost, ignored, or are just
> never actually committed to svn.
I'll try to install reviewboard (works well with svn).
Yury G. Kudryashov,
mailto: urkud at mccme.ru

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