[Nix-dev] comments on -r 31148 "zshprofile to load /etc/profile while emulating bash"

Lluís Batlle i Rossell viric at viric.name
Sat Mar 3 10:24:44 CET 2012

My five cents,

On Sat, Mar 03, 2012 at 03:05:18AM +0100, Marc Weber wrote:
> This patch implements 
> - moves the code enabling completion into a
>   /etc/zsh-user-system-default.zsh
>   and
>   /etc/bash-user-system-default.sh
>   files which are put into ~/.bashrc and ~/.zshrc by skeleton files
>   so that users can opt-out or reconfigure completion

The completion always gave me lots of troubles. Even bash crashes.

> - fixes the annoying "NIXOS always resets PATH when starting a zsh/bash
>   subshell" which is uncommon and very annoying if you want to start a
>   subshell with augmented env (eg adding ruby/python/haskell/..
>   libraries) while developing on a project - you may not want to do this
>   globally for your user always.

Can't this be achieved by an appropiate use of
SYSTEM_ETC_PROFILE_HAS_BEEN_SOURCED ? We have this since long for that problem.

Of course, I don't use zsh, and zsh users may know better whether the patch
helps them. If it does not break my bash and does not give me headaches for the
completion, for me it's fine. I've not read the patch though.


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