[Nix-dev] HYDRA_DATA

Marco Maggesi maggesi at math.unifi.it
Sat Jun 9 16:50:59 CEST 2012


I just updated my hydra server with
  nix-channel --update
  nix-env --always -u \*
  nixos-rebuild switch

If I run hydra-update-gc-roots I get the following error

[hydra at o0dom0:/root]$ hydra-update-gc-roots
The HYDRA_DATA directory (/var/lib/hydra) does not exist!
Compilation failed in require at
line 8.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 8.
Compilation failed in require at
line 8.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 8.

I'm pretty sure that it worked without errors before the update.
Hydra is configured through the nixos module as follows:

  services.hydra = {
    enable = true;
    hydra = /nix/store/2a49h1zc3cydy97dyrv3ycfia087wwcy-hydra-0.1pre1058-fdf441a;
    hydraURL = "http://o0dom0.math.unifi.it/";ww
    notificationSender = "maggesi at math.unifi.it";
    user = "hydra";
    baseDir = "/home/hydra";
    dbi = "dbi:Pg:dbname=hydra;host=localhost;user=hydra;";
    minimumDiskFree = 3;
    minimumDiskFreeEvaluator = 1;
    #tracker = "<div>Dipartimento di Matematica Ulisse Dini</div>";
    autoStart = true;

(I manually set the exact path to the hydra derivation, i.e.,
by looking at the installed default user environment after nix-env
--always -u \* )

I tried to define HYDRA_DATA but then I got another error

[hydra at o0dom0:~]$ export HYDRA_DATA=/home/hydra/data/

[hydra at o0dom0:~]$ hydra-update-gc-roots
*** reading current roots...
*** looking for release members
DBIx::Class::ResultSet::search_literal(): DBI Exception:
DBD::SQLite::db prepare_cached failed: no such table: Builds [for
Statement "SELECT me.id, me.finished, me.timestamp, me.project,
me.jobset, me.job, me.nixname, me.description, me.drvpath, me.outpath,
me.system, me.longdescription, me.license, me.homepage,
me.maintainers, me.maxsilent, me.timeout, me.iscurrent,
me.nixexprinput, me.nixexprpath, me.priority, me.busy, me.locker,
me.logfile, me.disabled, me.starttime, me.stoptime, me.iscachedbuild,
me.buildstatus, me.errormsg, me.logsize, me.size, me.closuresize,
me.releasename, me.keep FROM Builds me WHERE ( exists (select 1 from
releasemembers where build = me.id) ) ORDER BY project, jobset, job,
id"] at /nix/store/lrmjyz3lbv54ym3fbbrb01isq3yzm1hr-hydra-0.1pre1059-ab4f091/bin/.hydra-update-gc-roots-wrapped
line 59

Can you help me understand?

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