[Nix-dev] wicd managing wireless network

Petr Rockai me at mornfall.net
Thu Jan 5 21:46:41 CET 2012


roconnor at theorem.ca writes:

>>> Why isn't wpa_supplicant.conf managed by NixOS?
>> Because it contains passwords.
> Ah, I see.

For the record, I keep a /etc/nixos/wpa-supplicant.nix which I require
from configuration.nix and that says environment.etc = [ {
    source = pkgs.writeText "wpa_supplicant.conf" ''
    target = "wpa_supplicant.conf";
} ];

(plus the requisite boilerplate, stolen from hardware-configuration.nix)

The advantage is that I don't need to think about wpa_supplicant.conf
when cloning my configuration, which I tend to do between two
laptops. (I keep /etc/nixos in version control, so I can push and pull
changes around conveniently...)


id' Ash = Ash; id' Dust = Dust; id' _ = undefined

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