[Nix-dev] hardware.enableAllFirmware doesn't work

Arie Middelkoop amiddelk at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 11:03:18 CET 2012

Hi James,

On 21-02-12 03:09, James Cook wrote:
> Quoting Arie Middelkoop <amiddelk at gmail.com>:
>> On 14-02-12 05:56, James Cook wrote:
>>> apply = list: pkgs.buildEnv {
>>> + ignoreCollisions = true;
> Proposed new description:
> Also, it might be helpful if the example points out that you can put
> derivations in the list:

I've incorporated your proposal (svn rev 32445).

Indeed, if the order of firmware packages is important with respect to 
collisions then you can always write down the order in the 
firmwarePackages list explicitly.
(ok, this is not always true because the list is merged, but then again, 
I think that collisions in case of 'enableAllFirmware' will likely to be 
innocent anyway because the firmware binaries are 'standalone')


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