[Nix-dev] chroot builds on other Linux platforms

Sander van der Burg - EWI S.vanderBurg at tudelft.nl
Fri Dec 28 18:41:06 CET 2012

I'm using Nix on an "ordinary" Linux distro (not NixOS) and I want to use chroot builds, to make package builds more pure. I've successfully performed a multi-user installation and I've enabled chroot builds in nix.conf. However, the default build-chroot-dirs option value does not include the /bin directory (and therefore also /bin/sh is missing, causing a lot of packages to fail).

I could (of course) add /bin to the build-chroot-dirs option, but this will make the entire /bin folder of my host distro (including a large collection of installed packages binaries) available in the chroot environment, which will still make builds impure, because a lot of packages can be implicitly found.

A possible solution is to bind mount a different directory from my host system (only containing the shell) into the the chroot environment.

I have a dived a bit into the documentation as well as in Nix's source code, but apparently there seems to be no option to specify a source and destination to bind mount an arbitrary directory in the chroot environment, e.g.

mount --bind /my/bin/containing/only/sh/bin /chroot/env/bin

Is there an option to achieve this, or must Nix be extended to do this?

-- Sander

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