[Nix-dev] new possible movement to git (?)

Michael Raskin 7c6f434c at mail.ru
Thu Sep 1 08:04:01 CEST 2011

<4E5566E6.9050101 at shealevy.com> <4E5B97BE.5030406 at tudelft.nl>)
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>If I may add to the discussion, please check this workflow model for
>git, it could help deciding on the branching model for nix:

I considered that the main argument is about the extent of feature
branches and how to manage stable branch. I'd say that this diagram
looks like active branching with fresh SVN with trunk called develop
and all-releases branch called master. 

If someone thinks that this diagram can distinguish between our positions,
this would be a nice clarification. 

>Also, I think the `merge --no-ff` could help solve the issue of
>keeping branching information for the commits that Michael, Shea and
>Peter were discussing.

It doesn't help unless all feature branches have strictly unique names,
does it?

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