[Nix-dev] [Nix-commits] SVN commit: nix - r30127 - in nixos/trunk/modules: config installer/cd-dvd installer/generations-dir installer/tools installer/tools/nixos-deploy-network misc security services/misc services/monito...

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Sun Oct 30 18:18:09 CET 2011

> One could argue whether some limit should be enabled by default or not?
Yes - of course it should be an option - as always :)

I'd wait two days. Maybe people have reply having other requirements.
I only did a very rough estimation which should serve most cases I can
think of.

And in all other (opening 10GB log files using vim - that's just isnane.
You benefit from early failing in such cases as well. Cause you'll start
splitting the file).

It may not be that nice if gimp crashes unexpectedly because you may
loose work - although it warns you when you try to create large files.

Let me do some tests. I'll reply again later.

Marc Weber

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