[Nix-dev] [Nix-commits] SVN commit: nix - r30127-innixos/trunk/modules:configinstaller/cd-dvdinstaller/generations-dirinstaller/toolsinstaller/tools/nixos-deploy-networkmiscsecurityservices/miscservices/monito...

Michael Raskin 7c6f434c at mail.ru
Sun Oct 30 18:24:29 CET 2011

<4EAD6DA5.2040502 at shealevy.com>
<E1RKYX7-0001ZJ-00.7c6f434c-mail-ru at smtp8.mail.ru>)
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>Excerpts from Michael Raskin's message of Sun Oct 30 17:54:05 +0100 2011:
>> I guess that to stop the insanity like "no reaction is no OK" we do need
>> to make allowances for "heavy problems merit revert". Having to reboot a
>> computer is not something we want to impose on too many people... 
>I agree. But why do you have to reboot because one app is taking too
>much RAM? I'd say something else is wrong as well then.
>And that has nothing to do with nixos being the issue.

Well, we are not on Genode, and eating some resource is always a risk.

>> 1) Trunk is what Hydra builds and we don't want to get all the working
>> binary packages garbage-collected. 
>I agree. however nixos does not change that many hashes. And hydra
>should be strong enough to rebuild some isos fast.

Well, I do not know whether Hydra limits evaluation safely enough.

>> 2) Many people think that building trunk is safe and you only need to
>> start thinking after the build stops (succesfully or not). Me too, to be
>> honest. Maybe we need a vote to see if it is a common idea. If I 
>> perceive it to be a common idea and I see that building trunk crashes my
>> computer, I perceive making trunk safe as a net-positive action.
>I agree. However you should consider spending 5-10 min on contacting the
>author of the commit - eventually there is an easy fix.

I agree it is better. I just think that raising a bar for revert higher
than observation of a problem helps arguing for raising a commit bar.

>> BtrFS is a feature you can avoid with rmmod. nix-instantiate-ing NixOS
>> trunk is a prerequisite to using any part of NixOS. 
>Well - I think we should have "pending" branches then for everything and
>merge into trunk after 1-2 days - or have stable branches - because
>there are too many issues which may happen to some people for whatever

..Hydra-success branch...

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