[Nix-dev] Stablilizing stdenv-updates

Michael Raskin 7c6f434c at mail.ru
Mon Oct 3 18:40:39 CEST 2011

<871uv0obtn.fsf at write-only.cryp.to> <87d3eg1jm1.fsf at gnu.org>
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>> For instance, gnupdate turned up a glibc update (2.14), which I didn’t
>> commit because the glibc-ports package isn’t available yet.  I’d be
>> tempted to wait until it’s available, and at that point update to 2.14
>> and see what happens.
>googling "glibc-2.14" gives 
>How is it related to http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glibc/ ?

Searching 2.14 on ftp.gnu.org gives glibc-2.14

How is Google doing the almost-right-but-not-quite (as usual) thing 

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