[Nix-dev] virtualbox fails to start

Rohan Hart rohan.hart17 at gmail.com
Mon May 23 00:55:20 CEST 2011

On 20 May 2011 14:33, Rohan Hart <rohan.hart17 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Looks like the guest additions in Nixos need to be updated to 4.0.6 to
> match the Xorg ABI.

That may be one problem however it turns out that the virtualbox
builder needs to know the version of the Xorg server used in order to
install the correct driver .so

    # Install Xorg drivers
    ensureDir $out/lib/xorg/modules/{drivers,input}
    install -m 644 lib/VBoxGuestAdditions/vboxvideo_drv_18.so
    install -m 644 lib/VBoxGuestAdditions/vboxmouse_drv_18.so

For the current Xorg version 1.9.5 the files to install should be
vboxvideo_drv_19.so instead.

In addition the vboxmouse driver isn't added to the generated xorg.conf

I'm not sure how to programmatically solve either of these


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