[Nix-dev] NixOS require attribute

Sander van der Burg - EWI S.vanderBurg at tudelft.nl
Mon May 9 12:19:46 CEST 2011

It seems that it is only possible to specify files in the require attribute of a Nix module, e.g.:

{pkgs, ...}:

  require = [ /some/nixos/module/file.nix ]; # Works fine

  services.openssh.enable = true;

But it seems that it is impossible to specify functions or attribute sets, e.g.:

{pkgs, ...}:

  require = [ { services.httpd.enable = true; } ]; # Triggers an error

  services.openssh.enable = true;

I'm curious whether it is possible to also require functions or attribute sets. The reason I'm asking this is, that I'm working on a function that generates a network of NixOS configurations running web applications. In some cases you may want to run a database server and web server on a single machine, in other cases you may want to run a database and web server on separate machines. 

I think using the require attribute is the best way to combine certain properties into a single NixOS configuration.
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