[Nix-dev] [***SPAM***] Re: garbage collecting source (was: btrfs-progs (was:contributing to nixpkgs/nixos))

Michael Raskin 7c6f434c at mail.ru
Mon Dec 19 20:35:41 CET 2011

>> nix-store -r $(nix-store -q --deriver $(nix-instanctiate /etc/nixos/nixos -A system))
>$ nix-instantiate /etc/nixos/nixos -A system
>warning: you did not specify `--add-root'; the result might be removed by the garbage collector
>The warning can be ignored I assume, given that no changes were made to
>configuration.nix, nixpkgs, nixos since the last nixos-rebuild.
>$ nix-store -q --deriver $(nix-instantiate /etc/nixos/nixos/ -A system)
>warning: you did not specify `--add-root'; the result might be removed by the garbage collector
>NOTE: --deriver is not listed by 'nix-store --help', but documented in
>the man page.
>However, I don't know how to fix that command line.

Hm, sorry, piled too much into one line

nix-store -r $(nix-instanctiate /etc/nixos/nixos -A system)

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