[Nix-dev] Re: Replacing tsocks with torsocks

Evgeny Egorochkin phreedom.stdin at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 21:18:09 CEST 2010

В сообщении от Четверг 30 сентября 2010 20:34:00 автор roconnor at theorem.ca 
> (these questions are mainly directed at Phreedom)
> I'm working on replacing tsocks with torsocks, and I have a few questions
> about the torify configuration module:
> Is there a reason for the default for services.tor.torify.server to be
> "localhost:9050" instead of being cfg.client.socksListenAddress ?

cfg.client.socksListenAddress can be a list of ip addresses. That's why It 
wasn't easy to use it as the default. Should be improved perhaps.

> Secondly, why is there a config option for the services.tor.torify.server?

In you might want to run a tor client on another machine or otherwise use a 
tor instance not controlled by nixos. I guess this doesn't happen very 

> Shouldn't we just use cfg.client.socksListenAddress without a
> configuration options.
> Thirdly, why is there a config option for services.tor.torify at all?

There are some other useful options such as specifying which ips are 
local(such as your lan) and shoudln't be routed via tor. The default config 
already has some "local" options.

> Wouldn't it be better to simply give everyone who uses
> services.tor.client.enable torsocks without question?

This is what happens if you set services.tor.client.enable = true, minus the 
non-default socks listen address part.

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