[Nix-dev] Re: git-gui: require not using ttk

David Guibert david.guibert at gmail.com
Thu May 27 09:14:15 CEST 2010


On 27/05/2010 00:02, Peter Simons wrote:
> very nice patch, thank you for your efforts!
>  > +         wrapProgram --keep-name "$out/$prog"           \
>  >                       --set TK_LIBRARY "${tk}/lib/tk8.4" \
>  >                       --prefix PATH : "${tk}/bin"

As Marc suggested, I removed some duplications separating the functions
- wrapProgram
- wrapProgramKeepName

It has been tested on git and it does work,
But I don't know how to check how much will be rebuild by this patch...

> Hard-coding the Tk version number in the expression for Git doesn't feel quite
> right. Would it be possible to use pattern matching, i.e. ${tk}/lib/tk* to
> determine the path for TK_LIBRARY?

In the patch tk-libPrefix.patch, I introduce tk.libPrefix="tk8.5" and
change when it was hardcoded with the old value "tk8.4".

Regards, David
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