[Nix-dev] Stuck on "Install NixOS on Linode" - bootstrap archives download

Daniel Clark dclark at pobox.com
Thu Jul 1 19:32:57 CEST 2010

I'm following / updating http://wiki.nixos.org/wiki/Install_NixOS_on_Linode

The current doc says "The bootstrap archives can be downloaded from
minimal_install_archive [1]", however so far I haven't been able to
actually find a root tarball downloadable under that URL. I'm probably
just being blind; if someone can provide the exact URL to a known-good
"minimal install archive" I'd appreciate it (and update the doc

[1] http://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk

        \|/      Daniel JB Clark | Activist; Owner
FREEDOM -+-> INCLUDED ~ http://freedomincluded.com
        /|\      Free Software respecting hardware

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