[Nix-dev] bug on nix-env version parsing?

Lluís Batlle viriketo at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 11:57:44 CET 2010

2010/2/22 Marc Weber <marco-oweber at gmx.de>:
> Excerpts from Lluís Batlle's message of Mon Feb 22 10:00:37 +0100 2010:
>> I have this full reproducible:
>> $ nix-env -qc '*'  | grep thund
>> thunderbird-3.0                    = 3.0
>> $ nix-env -u --leq --dry-run '*'
>> upgrading `thunderbird-3.0' to `thunderbird-'
>  thunderbird2 = import ../applications/networking/mailreaders/thunderbird/2.x.nix {
>  thunderbird3 = lowPrio (import ../applications/networking/mailreaders/thunderbird/3.x.nix {
>                ^^^^^^^^
> version comparison is fine:
> builtins.compareVersions "thunderbird-3.0" "thunderbird-"
> results in Int(1)
Ah, I understand!
-u takes into account the priorities before the version checking. And
-qc only compares the version.

For this specific case, I think I will remove the lowPrio, because
thunderbird 2 is not building, if I understand correctly.


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