[Nix-dev] Re: Re: Re: [PATCH 1/2] t/scons

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Thu Dec 23 16:50:35 CET 2010

Excerpts from Yury G. Kudryashov's message of Thu Dec 23 10:21:52 +0100 2010:
> > Then you have to look it up. Then you try to write your first scons
> > build script and the result will be "gcc not found".
> No since NIX_SCONS_PATH is set to NIX_PROFILES/bin:NIX_PROFILES/sbin.
So you have to create two wrappers:

1) is installed into your user env (which would set NIX_SCONS_PATH to
   NIX_PROFILES the way you suggested)

2) is to be used in derivations (eg for building blender or the like).
  In this case you don't want to point to /var/run/current-system (which
  is part of NIX_PROFILES !)

Looking at bashrc.sh (nixos)

  for i in $NIX_PROFILES; do # !!! reverse
      export PATH=$i/bin:$i/sbin:$i/lib/kde4/libexec${PATH:+:}$PATH

reveals that your suggestion is very close to using $PATH in the first
place .. and that is what the patch was about.

So if you introduced NIX_SCONS_PATH it should default to PATH so that
you don't have to create those wrappers. And then setting it is as much
work as wrapping scons by scons_clean(){ ( PATH= ... ~/.nix-profile/scons "$@"; ); }

So I still think that the additional env var only adds code nobody would
be using.

Marc Weber

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