[Nix-dev] prover9 pkg, yet another theorem prover for first order logic

Tom Ridge tom.j.ridge at googlemail.com
Thu Aug 26 13:26:07 CEST 2010

Thanks for updating svn with the hol pkg. This is another pkg for the
excellent prover9.

Index: all-packages.nix
--- all-packages.nix    (revision 23415)
+++ all-packages.nix    (working copy)
@@ -6767,6 +6769,8 @@
     inherit (pkgs.emacs23Packages) proofgeneral;

+  prover9 = callPackage ../applications/science/logic/prover9 { };
   ssreflect = callPackage ../applications/science/logic/ssreflect {
     camlp5 = camlp5_transitional;

Dr Tom Ridge, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, University of
-------------- next part --------------
{stdenv, fetchurl}:

stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "prover9";

  src = fetchurl {
    url = http://www.cs.unm.edu/~mccune/mace4/download/LADR-2009-11A.tar.gz;
    sha256 = "1l2i3d3h5z7nnbzilb6z92r0rbx0kh6yaxn2c5qhn3000xcfsay3";

  phases = "unpackPhase patchPhase buildPhase installPhase";

  patchPhase = ''
    RM=$(type -tp rm)
    MV=$(type -tp mv)
    CP=$(type -tp cp)
    for f in Makefile */Makefile; do 
      substituteInPlace $f --replace "/bin/rm" "$RM" \
        --replace "/bin/mv" "$MV" \
        --replace "/bin/cp" "$CP"; 

  buildFlags = "all";

  installPhase = ''
    ensureDir $out/bin
    cp bin/* $out/bin

  meta = {

    description = "Prover9 is an automated theorem prover for
    first-order and equational logic, and Mace4 searches for finite
    models and counterexamples. This is the LADR command-line

    longDescription = ''

      Prover9 is a resolution/paramodulation automated theorem prover
      for first-order and equational logic. Prover9 is a successor of
      the Otter Prover.

    homepage = "http://hol.sourceforge.net/";
    license = "BSD";

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