[Nix-dev] Re: awesome locale issues

Peter Simons simons at cryp.to
Tue Aug 24 13:53:32 CEST 2010

Hi Florian,

 > The setting for TZ is definitely taken from there, however, it is not
 > possible to set LOCPATH, the variable is empty after logging into
 > awesome.

it's hard to imagine that awesome would import TZ, but not LOCPATH. Maybe
the problem is somewhere else? What happens if you set a completely random
variable in your /etc/profile/nix.sh, say "export FOO=bar"? Is that variable
visible after logging into awesome?

In any case, you could write the following code to ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix to
build Nix's glibc with native locale support enabled:

 | {
 |   packageOverrides = pkgs:
 |   {
 |     glibc = pkgs.glibc.override { installLocales = true; };
 |   };
 | }

Then those locales would be found without the help of any environment
variables. The downside is, unfortunately, that this setting forces you to
build all packages from source code, i.e. it's no longer possible to use any
binaries whatsoever from the build farm.

Take care,

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