[Nix-dev] Re: Re: DVCS - what we care about?

Yury G. Kudryashov urkud+nix at ya.ru
Thu Aug 12 18:16:50 CEST 2010

Michael Raskin wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
>>> Now, there are some properties:
>>> 5) Reliability w.r.t. user actions. (Dangerous things are obvious)
>> Do you write a message "against git", or "what do we need"? Please, list
>> some dangerous things here.
> Well, if I mention reliability, it is obviously two-fold.
> If I want to give an example of dangerous things, these can be forced
> removal of a revision/certificate in monotone, rollback in mercurial,
> (workspace-only dangerous) revert in any VCS.
Just deny git force-push.
> If we consider this a significant point and if we recommend people to
> rebase their changes relative to trunk, we can look at how rebasing
> should be done in different VCSes.
Why rebase? In git you can merge with upstream. This will create a tree like 
this (parent -> child):

a -> b -> c;
a -> d;
c -> e; d -> e;

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