[Nix-dev] Re: DVCS - what we care about?

Yury G. Kudryashov urkud+nix at ya.ru
Thu Aug 12 16:27:41 CEST 2010

Michael Raskin wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
First of all, I have no objections against mtn but I have some objections 
against your reasons.

> What DVCS is used for? I see a few options feature-wise:
> 3) Full project history. What, when and where was committed. Maybe with
> some additional security on top of this.

Not storing branch name is an issue and Eelco should decide whether we need 
this feature. I haven't tried to use any DVCS system that stores this info, 
so I have no experience whether it is really usefull. Could you please 
provide any concrete usecase?

> 4) Extra information for ease of searching interesting places in
> history. For example, some people put BugID into commit messages.
Easy to do with git.

I'd add the following:

5) Possibility to comment old commits (e.g., "bug #n was introduced here").

This is a weak side of git (btw, can we make git clone git-notes?).

> Now, there are some properties:
> 5) Reliability w.r.t. user actions. (Dangerous things are obvious)
Do you write a message "against git", or "what do we need"? Please, list 
some dangerous things here.
> 7) Having any architecture behind the tool
Explain in more details, please. "Git *obviously* has no architecture" is 
not a reason.

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