[Nix-dev] upstart / saving some keystrokes

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Fri Sep 18 23:13:22 CEST 2009

I'm very lazy. I'd like to get even lazier by adding bash upstart

I found a completion script on a mailinglist and stripped it:

    if [ $COMP_CWORD -eq 1 ]; then
        COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -o filenames -W "$@" $cur) )

  _upstart_complete() { _upstart_comp_list "$(initctl list 2>&1 | grep -E
  "$1" | cut -f2 -d ' ')"; }

  _waiting(){ _upstart_complete "(waiting|instance)"; }
  _running(){ _upstart_complete "(running|instance)"; }
  _jobs(){ _upstart_comp_list "$(ls -1 /etc/event.d 2> /dev/null)"; }

  complete -F _jobs status
  complete -F _waiting start
  complete -F _running stop
  complete -F _running restart

It saves a lot of typing.
It'll be installed to $out/etc/bash-completion.d so that you can source

However its that useful (even Luis agrees :) that I'd like to enable it
by default.

Which is the best way to do this?

Add to /etc/bashrc :
if id == 0 then source_completion_script ?

Because using completion as non root doesn't make sense, does it?

Should a completion script use sudo while completing?

The ls -1 /etc/event.d/ implementation for status should work for
However sudo status <tab> doesn't show up the list.
So maybe I'm missing the correct sudo completion functions?

How do you feel about this?


Marc Weber

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