[Nix-dev] Installing older ocaml

Marco Maggesi maggesi at math.unifi.it
Thu Oct 15 08:55:12 CEST 2009

On Oct 14, 2009, at 7:03 PM, roconnor at theorem.ca wrote:

> On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, Marco Maggesi wrote:
>> I wrote a nix expression for Coq.
>> You can grab a tarball from my home page.
>> E.g., you can install coq (with coqide) as follows:
>> wget http://web.math.unifi.it/~maggesi/mm-nix.tgz
>> tar xzf mm-nix.tgz
>> cd mm-nix
>> << Edit the file all-packages.nix to change the value of pkgs at  
>> its beginning >>
>> nix-env -f all-packages.nix -iA coq
>> This install coq with coqide.
> Thanks, niksnut from #nixos pointed me to this.  I installed it and  
> it appears to work fine.  Thank you so much.  You save me a tonne of  
> work. Without it I may have been forced to scrap my nixos  
> installation.
> One question though, I don't know much about nix, but wouldn't it be  
> appropraite to set-up a nix channel to subscribe to to get these  
> configurations?  Isn't that what nix channels are for? Are we  
> allowed to subscribe to multiple nix channels?

Well, I'm quite new to nixos myself.  I'm still learning and
experimenting with nixos with one immediate goal in mind: have a
nice way to administrate the software that usually I'm forced to
compile and install myself (this includes a few theorem provers
like Coq, Isabelle and HOL Light and related tools).

I don't know how to setup a channel and probably I will never
try to do that.  I don't have enough energy to run and maintain
it and I think it doesn't worth the effort for a few packages.
I will simply submit some patches against nixpkgs as soon as I
will find the time to do that.  Coq and related tools should be
almost ready to be proposed for integration.  Please send me a
mail if you find any problems.


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