[Nix-dev] Re: [Nix-commits] SVN commit: nix - 16296 [..] description of sourceByName, bleedingEdgeRepos ...

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Tue Jul 14 14:32:27 CEST 2009

> Rather than having one global file containing all these repositories, wouldn't
> it be better to have them closer to the package(s) using them?  E.g. like the
> automatically generated list of Gnome sources in desktops/gnome or the X.org
> sources in servers/x11/xorg.

I agree that having

stdenv.mkDerivation {
  src = bleedingEdgeSource {
    url = ..; type = ..; groups = "..";
    snapshot = fetchurl { ... };

would be much nicer. Add __FILE__ AND __LINE__ or better __SOURCE_LOC__
to the nix language and I consider changing that. This feature would be
useful for options as well.

> How does work (i.e. how does this download anything into "~/managed-repos")?
Best thing to do: get latest version and read source:

Key class:

ass Repo r where
  parseFromConfig : parse from config
  createTarGz     : create .tar.gz
  repoGet         : first time (checkout)
  isRepoClean : local modifications? You have to force creating a dist if repo isn't clean
  repoUpdate  : update repo which exists
  revId       : get id to append to dist file

There are implementations for cvs, hg, git, svn, darcs.
Example implementation CVS:
    withCurrentDirectory dest $ rawSystemVerbose "cvs" $ ["update"]

> What's the "distributed snapshot"?
alias nrm=run-nix-repository-manager-with-config

nrm $NIXPkGS --update ID

runs repoGet or repoUpdate, then it checks isRepoClean and runs createTarGz
after that step you should have
The first is the dist file the second contains its sha256 hash.

Now you test (because a local repo is preferred if it exists) then you
upload the file to my server using nrm --publish (which runs rsync).

Then you commit the info file containing the updated fetchurl command.

If you still have questions ask on irc and I'll send a summary here.
You may also give it a try and explore it. Make sure you have at least
nixpkgs rev r16349 because the nrm source was outdated.
If you want I can also show you a SSH live step by step.

Marc Weber

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