[Nix-dev] Multiple Profiles per User

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Wed May 28 19:06:28 CEST 2008

Hi Darcy,

I had this idea as well.
I came up with a temporary solution (if you want to use it you have to
heavily tweak it.. not very well tested.. 
Basically all it does is adding some .nix-profile/dev-envs/* files
created from running export within the builder thus feeding in the
buildinputs (without HOME=/homelessshelter)
Only a hack, maybe you can get some ideas from this code..

=============  =======================================================
.bashrc :
  . "${HOME}/.nix-profile/dev-envs/${1}"
=============  =======================================================
Put this into all-packages.nix

        myEnvFun = import ../misc/my-env;

        #example adding some libraries used to compile gegl
        geglEnv = myEnvFun rec {
           name = "gegl";
           inherit stdenv;
           buildInputs = [perl curl bzip2 gegl babl glib214 glibc ] 
                  ++ map (x : sourceWithTagsDerivation ( (addCTaggingInfo x).passthru.sourceWithTags ) ) [ glibc gegl ];
            extraCmds = ". ~/.bashrc; cd $PWD";
=============  =======================================================

args: args.stdenv.mkDerivation ( 
  { extraCmds =""; } // {
  phases = "buildPhase";
  buildPhase = ''
    ensureDir `dirname $o`
    echo "
    OLDPATH=\$PATH " >> $o
    export | grep -v HOME= | grep -v PATH= | grep -v PWD= | grep -v
TEMP= | grep -v TMP= >> $o 
    echo "
    for i in \$buildInputs; do
      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:\$i/lib
    export PATH=\$PATH:\$OLDPATH
    echo env $name loaded
    " >> $o
    chmod +x $o
} // args // { name = "${args.name}-env"; } )

Marc Weber

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