Re: [Nix-dev] new user impressions

Michael Raskin 7c6f434c at
Tue May 20 13:31:59 CEST 2008

 1. Booting into NixOS will give you little good anyway for now, as there is no pppd in NixPkgs yet. Maybe I will try to add it soon as there is demand, but then you'll have to test it (as you seem to be the only one with PPPoE)
 2. Current install CD requires Internet connection for installation and also is generated in a way that lacks flexibility. The expression that allows building a network-independent DVD (1.5 GB with sources and a bit of X applications and all that live accessible) is accessible (and should be usable for building it by Nix on Debian..), but it is not yet made the official ISO expression.
 If you are interested in experimenting from the beginning, you can always chroot into NixOS and build a fresh installation medium.
 3. /boot/grub/menu.lst should still be created by nixos-install, so you can see both the kernel command line and initrd. You have /boot/nixos-grub-config that provides shorter names for first attempts to boot. Note that booting through LILO can cause minor glitch with nixos-rebuild switch - it will always boot you into first global system generation.
 4. I'd probably - for now - boot Debian and then chroot into NixOS. That is usable (I even did the same trick with coLinux (and a small official tuned Debian image to handle its quirks)). At least until pppd is working..
 5. Specify details of your disk layout. What FSes do you use? If Eelco Dolstra is right, try checking out the latest tree and
 NIXOS_INSTALL_GRUB=1 nixos-rebuild switch

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