[Nix-dev] nix on windows? Is nix-svnrev a good choice ? (vs nix-1.1)

Pjotr Prins pjotr2008 at thebird.nl
Fri May 9 08:20:47 CEST 2008

On Fri, May 09, 2008 at 01:14:50AM +0200, Marc Weber wrote:
> Mmh you don't have any *nix (unix/linux) installed to run nixos, do you?
> So the perfect case would be integrating the cygwin.dll stuff into the
> nix windows port. 

Well, that is what I meant. cygwin.dll provides a lot of unix
'mapping'. I was thinking having packages even without cygwin.dll.

Cygwin may have some downsides - it is years ago I used it, but disk
access was pretty slow. If that is correct I would prefer native

> And not all packages must depend on *nix tools. Eg the
> whole .net system could be wrapped into expressions.. Java/Maven tools
> don't need autoconf as well. Using cygwin as dependency is a nice way to
> get started - don't know wether I want to take time to do more.
> > I am also interested - btw - for some biology packages. 
> BTW what are they about? Is it easy to describe them in 2 sentences?

Tools for biologists. Usually pretty specialized stuff. One of the
problems I regularly encounter is people having problems getting
software installed on various flavours of Linux. It is a pretty good
use case for NIX.


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