[Nix-dev] Services.. / I'd like to copy paste the files in most simple cases

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Fri Mar 7 13:34:26 CET 2008

Maybe you can tell me your opninion as well 

You need to edit
  to add/ register the service:
  the service file itself (or directory):
  the documentation:

I'd propose to move everything (when possible) into one file containing
documentation and the service itself in a Plug & Play style.
If you need an overview o all options you can use the automatically

generated docs, right?

So what input does one service file need?
At least
{ thisConfig # configuration for this service
, allConfigurations # all configuration in case you need information
                    # about other services as well (apache or whatsoever)

, allPackages
, lib
} : {
  doc = # the optionlist
  service = # the service implementation generating the upstart files

Then you can just copy the file, adjust and role on.
Do you like this?

I'm not sure how X window managers are implemented right now.
But I'd like to have something like this there as well. I'll
have some more spare time the next days.

Sincerly Marc Weber

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