Re: [Nix-dev] nixos update and running "make check" on autoconf

Michael Raskin 7c6f434c at
Tue Aug 5 11:46:24 CEST 2008

You overestimate organizational level of nixpkgs maintenance. 

Ideally, every update should be built and tested separately on all supported platforms. Well, it doesn't happen - and no infrastructure is in place for detailed testing. 

Most version updates are done like "nix-prefeth-url" + build - on contributor's computer. If that succeeds, upstream update is considered sane and it is committed (and possibly built on buildfarm). 

Now we see that the buildfarm build is the first multiplatform evaluation of the package (and maybe it is good to run "make check" in that moment). But suggesting that this build is tracked and "make check" is removed right after it succeeds (if it succeeds at all) is somewhat optimistic..

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