[Nix-dev] Trouble installing NixOS from ISO

Eelco Dolstra eelco at cs.uu.nl
Mon Oct 22 12:55:11 CEST 2007

Bárður Árantsson wrote:

> The error message is
>   "visudo: you don't exist in the passwd database"

What version of the ISO is this?  This bug should now be fixed (or hacked around
at least in r9438).  If you have an older ISO image, you can hack around it by
changing the following line in /etc/nixos/nixos/etc/default.nix:

  "${pkgs.sudo}/sbin/visudo -f $src -c && cp $src $out";


  "cp $src $out";

(The CD contains the nano editor for this.)

> I've also tried building an ISO myself with a more recent
> Nix+Nixpkgs+NixOS, but I'm not having better luck with that either. It
> seems to chug along quite happily until it wants to build ssh. At that
> point the build process stops at:
> mkdir /nix/store/ijwss48j4w415y5bhjnfdcnaw8dxfy5s-openssh-4.6p1/etc
> cp: cannot create regular file
> `/nix/store/ijwss48j4w415y5bhjnfdcnaw8dxfy5s-openssh-4.6p1/share/man/cat1/':
> Is a directory

This is very strange, because openssh's "make install" should already have
created $out/share/man/cat1 at this point (and I cannot reproduce this - when I
do the build, cat1 exists and contains scp.1, ssh.1 etc.).  Will investigate.

Eelco Dolstra | http://www.cs.uu.nl/~eelco

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