[Nix-dev] Another way to configure packages using flags ..

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Thu Aug 16 01:02:00 CEST 2007

> Any comments?

It's not that good .. because you have to mention the flags for
configuring and dependencies even if it's just [].

  flags = {
    withX = { configure = "--with-X"; deps = ["libX"] };
  mandatory = [ ... ]
would be better because you can sepecify configure flags and
dependencies at once..
or even shorter (everything starting with "-" is a configure flag
  withX = ["--with-X" "libX" ] ;

But we can't implement a does string start with "-" function yet, can

We'd need either some kind of substring, beeing able to use __head on
stirngs or kind of matchstr (vim) which matches a regulare expression
'^.' would get the first character..


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