[Nix-dev] non-constant path expressions

Armijn Hemel armijn at uulug.nl
Tue Feb 7 16:48:08 CET 2006


> I would like to make more "generic" nix expressions in for packagesfor 
> which many versions exist, e.g., aterm.
> I would like to make the version an argument for the nix expression in 
> aterm/default.nix:
>    {stdenv, fetchurl, version ? 1.3.4}:
>     (import ./aterm- ++ version ++ .nix) {
>    inherit stdenv fetchurl
> }
> and then create a separate nix expression aterm-version.nix for each 
> existing aterm version.
> Is something like this already possible? If not, what do you think about 
> this as a new feature?

You can already do something like that now I think. Check the GNU hello
package in Nix packages.


  armijn at uulug.nl | http://www.uulug.nl/ | UULug: Utrecht Linux Users Group

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