[Nix-dev] Nix problem

Armijn Hemel armijn at uulug.nl
Fri Apr 21 16:36:19 CEST 2006

On Fri, Apr 21, 2006 at 04:32:11PM +0200, Merijn de Jonge wrote:
> > Definitely. I already did a bit of preliminary work (there is
> > documentation
> > in the "maintainers" directory in subversion). The exciting part would be
> > to get C++ support to work, since building stdlibc++ is rather tricky.
>  seem to have C++ up and running, because nix is implemented in C++ and
>  I succesfully cross-compiled nix. Or, am I missing something?

Yes. If you try to cross compile things *using* Nix, for example on NixOS.
You probably just used the default unslung build process. I'm talking
about building packages in a pure Nixified environment, where the cross
compiler is built with Nix, the C library is cross compiled with Nix,
applications are cross compiled with Nix, and so on.


  armijn at uulug.nl | http://www.uulug.nl/ | UULug: Utrecht Linux Users Group

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